The filling of a cigar is an essential component that contributes to its overall taste, aroma, combustibility and quality. Hand-rolled cigars are usually made with long fillings, while machine-rolled cigars use short fillings. The filler leaves are responsible for the strength of the cigar and can be dry, smelling, flying or light. Cigar fillings can come from a single country of origin or from a mix of several countries.
The binder is used to hold the filling tobacco together and is usually the lowest quality tobacco in a cigar. The wrapper, binder and filler must create a pleasant and cohesive mix to form a suitable cigar. When it comes to cigars, the filling is a package of hand-folded tobacco leaves with ventilation holes in the center for smoke to rise. It is important that these packs are well packaged, as if they are too tight, they will burn too hot. A handmade cigar has long fillings, making it a top quality product.
On the other hand, cigars from convenience stores are often machine rolled and use a short filling, so they are not considered a quality product. Any sheet can be used as a filler because these sheets are usually shredded and pressed to get the right shape. Instead of using whole leaves, a short-filled cigar uses clippings, pieces and other parts of plants and leaves. A cigar made with a short fill tends to burn faster and often a little hotter than one with a long fill. Premium hand-rolled cigars offer long, complete filling sheets, while short-filled cigars use shorter sheets found in machine-rolled cigars. Cigarette filling can come from one country of origin (also known as pure or pure, such as Cuban cigars that only use Cuban tobacco) or from a mix of several countries to create a complex flavor, strength and aroma. The binder and the filler together are commonly referred to as a cluster, and it is the cluster that creates the cigar flavor.
The wrapper, binder and filler must create a pleasant and cohesive mix to form an appropriate cigar.